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Found 31294 results for any of the keywords early maps. Time 0.006 seconds.
Early maps - Fakes, Forgeries and Facsimiles likely to deceiveThese pages should be considered as a dynamic 'work in progress'. Their main purpose is to alert anyone who buys or studies early maps to the existence of these cartographic deceptions. More will certainly appear in fu
Early maps - Fellowshipsfellowships relating to the study of early maps and the history of cartography
Map History / History of Cartography - WWW-Virtual LibraryA tightly organized global overview of the history of cartography - its resources, activities and opportunities (spread over more than 100 pages) with leads to the collecting of early maps, and thousands of links, e.g. t
Map History - SITEMAPa sitemap representing the hierarchical arrangement of this site
Derby - WikipediaThe town name appears as Darbye on early maps, such as that of John Speed, 1610. 10
Early maps - Internet discussion listsdiscussion lists and listservs relating to the history of cartography, especially MapHist
Map History / History of Cartography: INDEXAlphabetical index to the main headings on this site
Map History - quick guide to contentsa summary of the site's main content, arranged in twelve brief sections
Map History - What's Newa list of recent additions to the site
Family history: maps and place-namesmap and place-name resources for family historians and genealogists
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